Friday, January 26, 2007


Haaay... Finaly , I am abe to log in to blogger. Still, I couldn't upoad my pics... :(

Nothing much has been happening noteworthy of blogging... hehehe...
Maybe just too tired...

Tonight, I saw my high school friends again... It was good seeing them. And as usual, everyone was talking, catching up on each other's lives.
It was just a bit sad that it had to happen at the wake of our friend Dee's lola.
But then again, we are all happy to see each other and learn that Dj is really getting married this year and that Rose will be going to the US soon to try her luck in teaching and to be with her boyfriend.
And then I learn too that Dee and I are still very much single... still as unattached and loveless; Kaira has joined the trade too. She just broke up with her "mature" boyfriend. I wish Grace was there. We'd all like to know how she's doing. :) I wish Stephanie was there too and it would feel just like old times.
We went home with a promise. A promise to get together again. If Rose hadn't brought up her desire to experience getting drunk, the next meeting would proabably be next year or the next next year. Well, we decided to give Rose her first experince on February 2007. Yes, next month!
Good thing that Dj's bf is on "cruise" so she can be as free as she wants to.

I can't wait seeing you guys again. February 24. It's a date!

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