Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So I just turned 29 yesterday...

Wow! I have lived this long on earth! I couldn't believe I'm so near to 30, that age when most people have accomplished a lot in their lives - traveled to a lot of places, owned a condo unit or a car, starting a family of their own, etc. And when I reflect on my own life and see how much I have accomplished, I could only sigh. Sigh for the reason that I still don't have my own car or house, haven't traveled enough, and have nothing on my savings account (though, I have been paying for insurance and pension plans, would they count?). I haven't really achieved much. I don't have that wow position in the company I work for. I'm just plain ordinary 29 year old woman, with no boyfriend. But you know, I don't actually feel poor and helpless. And that's what I realized yesterday, the 24th of March, my birthday - that I am uberly and richly blessed. When I count the wealth I have accumulated over the years - the friends I've made, the people I've met, the experiences I had, the family that I have - it's immeasurable. I can only thank the God Almighty for taking good care of me, for giving me all these blessings. Amen.

2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...