Saturday, June 27, 2020

A quick update

2019 went by so fast that I never got to add another post to my one and only post in 2019. Well, first thing we got busy. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy! As new parents, with not much help around us, we are indeed very busy!!!

He turned one on 1st February 2020, and we threw a sports-themed birthday party for him! Everyone had fun! I hope our little one did too! LOL And after that, the COVID Pandemic happened. 

I worked from home.  Javi, our son, stopped going to daycare. Daddy got furloughed (without even knowing he was forloughed) and eventually he just resigned so he could take care of Javi full time while I am working. 

Times are tough and challenging. I am very stressed from work. We are trying to stay in budget. But in spite of it all, we are grateful. We are grateful for we have shelter, we have food on our table, and we are not struggling financially. 

In the end, what really matters is family. It's not the expensive things you own. 

Be blessed! Be kind!

2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...