Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I am 32, and loving it!

Oh yes, last Mar 24, I turned 32!

Actually people would still not believe I am 32. Firstly, I don't look it. (Such baby face, eh?!). Then I don't act my age. LOL. Well not that I am immature, I just don't talk very seriously.  I laugh a lot! And I am just carefree! :)

Even if at this age of mine I am unmarried, and NOT wealthy, I feel very much happy and in a way contented.  Oh yes I have a lot of goals to accomplish but I feel just way too blessed to mull, to be sad and to be mad at the world.

I am very grateful that despite the cruelties of the world, I am doing fine.  I am healthy, alive, awake and enthusiastic.  I am able to eat good food and get to enjoy this with friends and family.  I have a job and happy workmates. I am able to travel to other places (although there are more places I want to go!  But I believe I can go to these places) and see and enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth.

Once again, I am blessed. And I can only be grateful.

I want to thank God for never failing to bless me.

I want to thank my family for the support, the love, and understanding and the happiness they have brought to my life.

I want to thank my friends for keeping my life so colorful and so fun to live.

I want to thank the strangers for not harming me and respecting me for who I am.

I want to thank the world for being so good to me!!!

Happy happy birthday to me!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ready to Conquer CIMA Strategic Papers!!!

The books are here!!!

As always, I get motivated if I use real books and not photocopies! LOL

I'm so ready to study!!!

Bring it on!!!

God bless this endeavor!!! :)

2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...