Friday, June 04, 2010


Adik! That's what a friend of mine said to me whenever I say I'm joining another fun run. hahaha... I must admit, she's right! I am addicted to running and so is she (hahaha) Kasama ko kya cya sa mga runs na yun.

Anyway, in May alone, I joined a total of 3 fun runs, almost one run a week.
May 16 - Chase the Sun,Neutrogena
May 23 - San Mig Coffee Bay Run
May 30 - Nature Valley Run

My PRs for the above were, 22mins (3k), 38mins(5k), 42mins (5k). Kinda slow but mind you in those 2 runs, I never walked (yah maybe I did a lil on Nature Valley). I just did a slow pace, just jogging not really minding my time but more of endurance.

I'm pretty happy with the outcomes that's why this June, I am signing up for 2 fun runs. And I'm running all 5k! My target is 30mins. I'll be putting speedwork into my runs this time.

It's kinda funny, when a month ago, I said to myself I probably will never move up to the next level. Running/jogging is just not for me. It weakens my legs and I just couldn't run straight for 15 mins. But it all changed when one night while running around the Boni High Street outer circle, I was able to run 3 rounds w/o stopping. I used the technique my unnamed coach told me - running is also a mind game, think beautiful thoughts when you run. Your body will tell you to stop but try to fight it if you can. Amazingly, I was able to do it! =)

I wanna keep on running and running. My dream is to run a marathon by the time I'm 30. And I wanna run the NYC and London marathons. If things go well, then maybe Boston Marathon. hehehe...why not? Anything is possible!


2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...