Wednesday, June 15, 2011

my order of makeup!

on the other hand.... something that's giving me some excitement and lifting my spirits up ---- i cannot wait to receive the Maybelline products I ordered on Ebay! I hope they arrive tomorrow!!! =))

Disappointing Performance

This is the probably the most disappointing performance I ever experienced with my current job. To think that I've been with this team for 3 plus yrs, it was truly disappointing that I was not able to do deliver. I had a 3 hr call with my onshore boss. It was disappointing because I presented a working paper that was completely useless! It had a lot of errors and a lot of stuffs that had not been worked through. Because that is one item that had the most focus over the past months, it was highlighted by my boss. I was even escalated! And when I was asked why I was not able to do the things I ought to - I said that there was just too much to do. In other words, I didn't have enough time. I never really like to reason out that I just don't have enough time. Because it's not really a valid reason at all. Because I believe that there's really time for everything. It is just a matter of priority. That's why I am just very disappointed because this means I was not able to prioritize and I was not working smartly. I'm sooooo down now...I cannot sleep well.... =(

2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...