Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I cannot sleep unless I am not able to post this rant!!!

I just got a reply from my onshore counterpart that I find is an insult to my intelligence! And what I hate is that he copied in my boss here and it appears on his email that I don't understand my work! I beg to disagree! But I don't want to put the blame purely to himself why he replied that way. I may have not been very clear in my email to him about what I expect from him. I just wanted his thoughts, his opinions about a matter I cannot resolved. In his reply, he is implying that this could be resolved by me quite easily without his assistance. I just had one area where I am confused not everything about work! Because I was in a hurry to get home, I didn't get an opportunity to reply to his email. But I plan to do that tomorrow. I don't want my boss to get the impression that I am dumb and that I don't understand my work! So here I am going to draft my reply to him ----


I understand your point very clearly that this is something that CAN be resolved offshore because this process has been with us for years.

All these checks / procedures mentioned are clearly understood by me and I am pretty sure with the new process owner as well.

Where I wanted clarification is on what explanation to give to the book runner as he is asking what type of adjustment he should then used as the adjustment he is currently using is not correct. I have spoken to the book runner about this that it is clear that he cannot use that adjustment category as it is creating a FOBO break. As this is not a break we encounter very often, the approach on how to deal with this is quite vague to me. I understand that it could have been resolved had I raised this initially to the book runner's team lead. To be honest, we need training, and some exposure on these kind of issues around BAC adjustments to get confidence answering their queries.

Thank you.


And I may still edit this out tomorrow.... but now I am relieved to have let this out.

This job can get really stressful! Haayzz... But I should NOT let this affect my whole being, my aura, my mindset, my all. At the end of the day, I cannot blame other people for what I feel. This is all down to me. It is up to me how I deal with problems.

Shhoooo bad feelings. Let peace come! Yipeeee!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Congratulations Sister!

Sister got married last Saturday, July 9 and I was maid of honor. Though I apologize I was not able to fulfill my job as maid of honor in all sense of the word. Ohh it was my first time! Give me the benefit of the first timers!

But all in all, I was very happy that someone in the family is now married. I bet mom and dad are excited to see their first apo! I am excited to become a full-pledged auntie!!! =)

What I loved about the wedding is getting to see my relatives from afar get together, couzins and aunties and uncles that I haven't seen for a while, I get to see them! Family gatherings do make me feel like I'm in heaven. Even if they keep asking me when I am getting married. Oh uh...I don't know! Maybe never! But I do hope it does happen...should happen soooon.I am not getting any younger! I'd like to have at least just one offspring, you know. I'd like to have my own family someday...;-)

Congrats to sister and hubby! God bless your marriage and your future together! Stay in luv...

2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...