Saturday, September 13, 2003

Sometimes I feel like telling you how I feel. Sometimes I give you hints, yet part of me doesn't really want to give it all. You know, I'm afraid you might be taken aback. I don't want to surprise you. I'm afraid you might get scared and run away and never come back...I don't want to lose you. And I'm also confused, 'coz I have the feeling that you feel the same way for me too. But you're also afraid of telling me. If you only knew...that you mean so much to me, you make me so happy. Would you tell me now? I need to know, I need to know if I shall still hope...or I shall forever forget you. That's all I ask, please tell me...

2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...