Friday, January 26, 2007


Haaay... Finaly , I am abe to log in to blogger. Still, I couldn't upoad my pics... :(

Nothing much has been happening noteworthy of blogging... hehehe...
Maybe just too tired...

Tonight, I saw my high school friends again... It was good seeing them. And as usual, everyone was talking, catching up on each other's lives.
It was just a bit sad that it had to happen at the wake of our friend Dee's lola.
But then again, we are all happy to see each other and learn that Dj is really getting married this year and that Rose will be going to the US soon to try her luck in teaching and to be with her boyfriend.
And then I learn too that Dee and I are still very much single... still as unattached and loveless; Kaira has joined the trade too. She just broke up with her "mature" boyfriend. I wish Grace was there. We'd all like to know how she's doing. :) I wish Stephanie was there too and it would feel just like old times.
We went home with a promise. A promise to get together again. If Rose hadn't brought up her desire to experience getting drunk, the next meeting would proabably be next year or the next next year. Well, we decided to give Rose her first experince on February 2007. Yes, next month!
Good thing that Dj's bf is on "cruise" so she can be as free as she wants to.

I can't wait seeing you guys again. February 24. It's a date!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My Lola's Bday

My grandma(lola) celebrated her 82nd birthday last January 10. It was a simple b-day celebration with simple food. My Uncle Rito was here and that made it even more meaningful. He brought the famous Pastel from CDO, pineapples from Del Monte, and peaniato (I'm not sure if I had spelled this correctly).
It was a fun night. Lots of food and laughter.

Monday, January 08, 2007

My New Year's Resolution

On New Year's Eve, I made my ritual. I made my New Year's resolution list. When I looked at my list last year, I was not very happy. Disappointed, yes. I wasn't able to achieve the things I need to achieve. So this 2007, I am going to make things happen. (I'm crossing my fingers!)

1. SAVE! Mag-impok sa bangko. I am targeting a Php30k savings at the end of the end year. Pretty good. Not much money but it's still something.

2. Lessen the use of credit cards. Use them only for emergencies or use them to pay for things that need to be paid by credit cards. At the end of the year, my credit card debt should go down to P1k (maximum).

3. A passport by February 2007. Must have!!! How can I travel, when I don't have a passport?!

4. Learn something new. :)

5. Attend mass more than once a week. Sunday mass is a must. (The 1st week of 2007 went by and I already broke this one.)

6. Give much. Expect little. (This is actually my life motto. This was part of my New Year's resolution for 2005 and I guess it works when I write this down.)

7. A President's Distinguished Club Award for my PICPA-Toastmasters Club!!! I have to work extra hard for this one.

8. Eat more fruits.

9. A trip outside Cebu or outside the Philippines. (I should have the passport first so I can go to Singapore, or Bangkok.)

10. Meet more people. Gain new friends. (Friends through my blogs are counted. Yes, KJP you are counted.)

11. Pray before and after sleep. This is something I used to do everyday when I was younger. It's something I lost when I got older (oh, i'm not that old...). A little thank you to God for the new day and the day that has gone by would surely please Him.

God bless my New Year's Resolution List.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bagong Taon

This is my first post for the year 2007! KJP, the Internet connection has been very slow since the Taiwan earthquake, thus, I have been unable to do my blogging.

You know, I made the most posts in my blog last year. And this year, I am still targeting to increase my posts, meaning I'll be writing more about my activities and my life in general.

The year 2007 met me with sickness. I got colds and cough. :( Hopefully, this doesn't mean I'm prone to sickness this year. I have so many things to do this year and getting sick isn't one of them.

I made a New Year's resolution list. I did that on New Year's eve. :) I'll post it some other time (coz I don't have the list with me. I'm blogging at work. Ha!)

I am looking forward to an exciting 2007 life.

2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...