Sunday, October 10, 2004

Have you finally found her?

It seems like you are getting along well. I do hope both of you had found each other. I do hope you are happy with her. I do hope you have finally found love and found someone to share it with. As a friend, I always wish the best for you even if it would hurt me. Well, what can I say, I am just one unlucky girl. And as usual, you aren't still the one. I am just thankful for everything I went through. I am certainly grateful that for a while you made me feel so good about me. You made me feel that out there in the vast and complicated world, there is someone like me, someone who shares the same interests, thoughts and dreams. I've experienced how it is to be in love and experienced the pain, hurt, excitement of it all. Though we never went really far and never got to say what we truly feel, I'm just happy of it all. I just hope one day, someday, we could talk, as mature individuals, of what really happened between us and if what we had was real. Or what you truly feel for me. And I hope things would never be too late. And despite the pain you have given me, though you may not know it, I still would want us to be friends, yes, very very good friends. Bear in my mind that no matter what happens, I will always be here for you. Good luck with this new path you're treading. I wish you all the best with her. =)

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