Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My epitaph, my obituary

So these days I have been thinking about what I want in life, I have been evaluating my goals, my career plans, my life.

And I've read it from somewhere that to do this, start asking yourself how do you want to be remembered, how do you want people to see you? What do I want written in my epitaph? What should my obituary say about me?

So I made a lot of thinking and I am listing down here the things that I want people to remember about me when I die:

A person who gave much and expected little, was generous of her time, possessions, and her whole self. 

A person who made other people become better persons in this world. A teacher of life. 

A person who believed that going to places, travelling around the world is a good way to experience life. 

So I think whatever my future decisions are, they should be aligned with these 3 major premises of my life.

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