Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Parable on True Love

Another one from my old e-mails... :)
forwarded by my friend Mira.

> An old woman sat on the antique rattan rocking chair. Her eyeglasses
> were perched precariously on her nose as she concentrated on her
> sewing chores.
> A gentle breeze swept the wisp of whitish hair on her temples.
> Beside her sat her teen-age granddaughter. She was like a fresh
flower recently bloomed. Without warning she suddenly blurted out. Grandma,
> why is true love so difficult to find?
> The old woman with a kindly face stopped sewing and touched her
> granddaughters head affectionately. After a moment, the young girl
> cuddled closer resting her head on the old womans lap.
> Listen and I will tell you why. began the grandmother.
> Many centuries ago, when the world was young, true love existed
> everywhere. It was available for asking. Because of this, men and
> women took true love for granted, so God decided to keep true love.
> She stopped and smiled as she gently stroke the young girls soft
> tresses.
> God asked a pair of angels to keep true love.
> First, they buried true love in the ground. But man and woman easily
> dug it out. Next, the angels took true love to the highest mountains.
> But again man and woman easily climbed to the top. Then the angels
> submerged true love into the deepest sea.
> Man and woman swam to the bottom of the body of water and with ease
> retrieved true love.
> So true love is easy to find, commented the young girl. For man and
> woman will dig, climb and swim.
> Yes, but finally the angels kept true love in the hearts of man and
> woman. Since then people have had difficulty searching for true love.
> For they look everywhere except in the one place that they should
> it --- the HEART.
> The most beautiful things in the world can neither be seen nor
> touched, just felt in the heart. Helen Keller

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