Sunday, October 14, 2007

anticipantion, anxiety

It's the middle of October. On the 20th, it would be my last day at NSP. It seemed like I just handed my resignation letter. How fast time flies. (what a cliche! but it's actually very true) Tomorrow, it's my last day for my first semester in Masters. It's actually our final exams for Economics! I do hope I'm going to pass it. :) And on Wednesday, we'll be having dinner (the Finance team) and is in a way a despidida for me.

I'm having mixed feelings. I'm kinda excited about leaving and working in Manila, meeting new friends, experiencing a new kind of work, new environment. Then I'm kinda anxious about leaving home, leaving the comfortable life I live in Cebu. How's it going to be when I'm away from my family? What if something bad happens to me there?

Mixed feelings, mixed emotions. They're all part of making decisions. But then it's all part of growth. It's all part of this so-called life.

1 comment:

KJP said...

Sounds like an adventure! See, get your passport, visit Singapore and now you are off to the big city....

Hope your move goes well and that you will find a solid body of believers to become a part of!

2022: Surviving

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