Saturday, April 02, 2016

Midway to Midlife!!!

I just recently turned 35, and yes 35!!!

I am uberly thankful, forever grateful, super duper blessed with this life of mine.

I am happy to have reached 35!!! It is a milestone! I am half way to the midlife, er, crises?! Hopefully not! =)

I celebrated my birthday in simple ways. It was Holy Thursday. The day of suffering in the life of Jesus.

It was a simple celebration with a simple meal with the people dearest to my heart, my family.

I am very blessed to have them. I am very blessed for the people who love me so much.

I pray for this year, that the prayer I have been praying for a long time will be granted.

I pray for good health, not only for me but for my family and loved ones too.

I pray for safety, for peace, for a calm and happy community.

I pray for good things to come to my friends, family, and countrymen.

Please bless my heart, my mind, my soul, Lord.

Please pray for me always Mama Mary and St Joseph.

Thank you always!!!

My heart is bursting with love!!!

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