Sunday, December 08, 2013

A Dream Come True: Lisa Macuja's ballet performance!

It has always been on my bucket list to see a live ballet performance of the Philippine's premier ballerina Lisa Macuja.

As a child, I secretly wanted to be a ballerina. But I don't know why that chance never came.
Now that it is too late to become a ballerina, I will just be contented with watching ballet performances.

I moved to Manila 6 years ago but with it's more cultural atmosphere than Cebu City I haven't watched any ballet performance of Lisa Macuja or her company Ballet Manila. But not until today when I had the chance to watch Lisa's last show as the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker at the Aliw Theater.

 It was by chance that I learned of this. More than a month ago, I was in Tondo with my officemates for our annual CSR activity. We were at the Philippine Christian Foundation's school for poor children who live in Smokey Mountain and Malabon public cemetery.  We learned that Lisa has been teaching  ballet to some children from the school for free. And that one of the girls is one of Lisa's best students.  She and Lisa will be part of The Nutcracker performance with her being the little Masha and Lisa as the Sugar Plum Fairy on the 8th of December.  All proceeds will go to the building of a ballet studio at PCF.  I didn't hesitate of  buying a ticket! I told my boss that she should reserve one ticket for me!!! I was so excited as this would be my only chance to see Lisa Macuja! This would be her last performance as she is set to retire.

Back in high school, I think I was in third year high school then when Lisa was in Cebu for a ballet performance of Don Quixote.  She and other ballet dancers, some foreigners, were peforming Don Quixote at our Cultural Center.  And when we heard that she was practicing, I and some classmates managed to sneak out of class and went to the Cultural Center to watch them and at least get an autograph! And yes we did!!! We even got the other dancers to sign on our pieces of stationery!!! I was so happy!!! Imagine this is the Philippine's premier ballerina! She was even part of our classroom lectures!!!

Today was just surreal for me! I had once again the chance to meet her in person. I had this most awaited moment to see her on stage dance ballet. And it was even her last performance! Thank goodness I still was given this chance!

It was even far more magical when I and my friend were asked by an usher if we wanted to give Lisa flowers on stage when she bows to the audience. Of course we said yes!!! OMG!!! This is a miracle! I had always wanted to meet her again and this was my chance! Out of the many people in the audience, I was so lucky to have been chosen! Randomness was my ally today!!!

Roses for Lisa!

And so when the time came, I just had to tell Lisa that 15 years ago I met her when she did Don Quixote. And she just said, Oh my God! :)) I wish I could tell her the anecdote but there were others waiting in the line to give her flowers!

Nevertheless, it was a very special moment for me! Who would have thought that15 years ago would happen again!

And I said to myself after the show, I should watch Ballet Manila performances from now on. I support the Filipino ballet dancers. This would be my way of supporting Lisa's love and belief in the talent of the Filipinos.

Kudos to you, Lisa Macuja!

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