Saturday, May 12, 2012

Goals and Gratefulness

This is just a check of the goals I had set this year...where am I in terms of achieving them?

I have today achieved one which is becoming a World Vision sponsor! And I am so happy for this. I can't wait to receive the name of the child I will sponsor.  I hope I will be able to sponsor one more child next year.

A week ago, I thought I was going to get a love life. However, it didn't turn out well. I guess there just wasn't enough magic for a friendship to blossom and then for the friendship to turn into something more...Oh isn't my time yet and he isn't the ONE obviously. 

Two weeks from now I will be taking another paper in CIMA. This one is more difficult than the previous papers. I pray that I too shall pass this one.  I think I do deserve to pass. I just need 50% score! Please dear Lord let my efforts bear fruit. A CIMA is what I need should I decide to go out of the banking industry or should this industry become unprofitable (although I doubt)... 

Also, the US trip for my mom, dad and sister is going to happen soon.  They already have their visas. I just hope the airtickets and everything else will turn out well.  I hope they will settle well there.  I pray my sis and dad will be able to find jobs.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the blessings I have received and will continue to receive. To the other goals, I am sure you will find your place this year ;-)


KJP said...

where are they looking/for what?

MhAhE said...

i don't understand your question....who are u refering to?

2022: Surviving

Hello! I didn’t post anything in 2021. Ok, I got so busy with life.  I’m still here. I’m still alive.  I had another baby in 2021, a girl. A...