Tuesday, January 12, 2010


What do I want to accomplish on this year of the Metal Tiger? Here's my simple list:

Family travels

This year, I want my travels to be with my family. Be it a trip with my siblings or a trip with my parents or the most bongga would be a trip with the whole family. I already have a planned trip in July, and that's in Hongkong with my mom and sis. I wish and pray hard it'll be one safe, fun and truly memorable trip. This would be my mom's first trip abroad. I also pray she'll be healthy enough for this.

I am still hoping that the pay raise and bonus would be enough to make me stay with my present employer. I still do wish to stay another year.
I want to deepen my knowledge regarding my job. So I wanna read books, articles etc about it.

Friendships and Love
I've really built stronger bonds with friends this year. And I've added a few more to this roster. On love? I guess this is the most unexpected thing in '09. It's complicated and one that I vow to uncomplicate this 2010. In simple words, END it. Yes, END that which makes it wrong and complicated. And I hope a new love comes and makes it easy to do.

Faith and God
I still want to keep my relationship with God. Go on reading the Bible. Continue those prayer times. Spend much more time with Him alone. In my busy and chaotic life, a moment with Him allows me to think straight and clear, and veer me away from danger.

Be very vigilant when it comes to what I put into my mouth! Really, I want to avoid meat as much as possible. Eat more veggies and fruits. Exercise a lot! I plan to enroll in a dance class. Jogging and badminton should be done more often.

Childhood dreams
Now is the best time to start fulfilling my childhood dreams.

Money! Wealth!
Saving money has never been a walk in the park for me. In the past years, I've always made this my new year's resolution and I always failed. This year, I want to achieve it!!!! Credit card debt at end of the year should go down to PHP1k! Bank savings at an undisclosed amount (but I did mention this in my resolution '07).

And those are all of it! My fingers are crossed. I can do this!!! Help me, God.

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