Sunday, September 06, 2009

What is A Valid Reason To Love?

What is a valid reason for someone to love someone else? This was a question Bella asked Jacob at one point in the book New Moon of the Twilight Saga. And it got me thinking too, is there really a reason for you to love someone? Is there such a thing as a love that is wrong? Is loving someone ever wrong? Someone asked me that some time ago. And I couldn't help but agree. But then again what if this someone you love is in some situation that makes it wrong? What if he is committed? What if he's married? But how can you stop the feelings at all? The more you hesitate, the more it grows stronger. For a while I thought about it real hard. I isolated myself at some time, reflected on the questions, seeking answers. And then I came to a realization - the feelings stay, the love stays, but you can make everything right by physically distancing yourself from the person. Physical distance means literally being away from him/her. Avoiding communication as much as possible. I think over time the "strong feelings" will go away. To forget the person may never happen but to forget the feelings will happen. This is when I can say that TIME is the solution. And when both of you know the gravity of the situation and when both of you acknowledge the complexity of it all, everything works out.

To my friend - I know I've hurt you in one way or another by words I said or the deeds I did. I was just confused, troubled and wanted everything to be right. I also want you to know how special you are to me. That probably won't change.
I know you know how I feel, what I think about the situation and everything else. And I ask just a little respect and understanding. I also assure you that I now understand your feelings and what it's like in your case. Know that I respect you too. And I have been praying constantly. God knows best.
My friend, we can make this right.

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2022: Surviving

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