Tuesday, December 25, 2007

home for christmas

it's been a month since my last entry. if it hadn't been for KJP's comment asking about my whereabouts, i wouldn't dare write anything on my blog... hehehe... we'll it's just too difficult to get into the net especially blogger since i came to Manila. at work, lots of sites are restricted. obviously, they have to do that. you're not there to blog, and do personal browsing. you're paid to work! i don't have my own PC, and also (of course) i don't have internet connection. when i moved to manila, i left a lot of my comforts in cebu. in order to get access to my blogs, yahoomail, hotmail, etc., i have to go to an internet cafe. well, sometimes i'm too tired to go to one. lately, i've been going home late from the office. so that explains my absence on the net.

while i'm writing this blog entry, i'm in cebu. i'm home for christmas. yipee! i get to go online as often as i want! i'm here with my family. :) i just miss them. i miss my friends and i miss cebu, as well. it's different in manila. its traffic is super heavy. time flies so fast. people are so busy. food is very expensive. and living alone means doing my own laundry, and cooking. no mom and lola to prepare my breakfast and dinner. i miss homecooked food! so i'm making the most of my stay here. so i'm eating lots and lots of my lola and mom's cooking! (and when i get back to manila, i'm bloated! hahaha...)

I'm enjoying my xmas vacation (which will end tomorrow, Philippine time). I hope you all are having fun-filled and blessed holidays! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

KJP said...

Well maybe you will not get this for a long while - but have a happy new year!

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